This help center supports the Legacy platform Dudamobile. As of April 1st, 2019 new sites cannot be created, existing sites will remain live with the same functionality and editor access.

Email support and phone support (for Duda customers on Team plans and above) will be available until September 30th, 2019. Self service customer support will remain.

It’s a Great Time to Go Responsive! - Responsive design is the best way to create engaging online experiences on today’s web. With that in mind, we encourage you to take this as an opportunity to replace your old desktop-only websites and their mobile friendly counterparts with new responsive sites that will work seamlessly across desktop, tablet and mobile.

Add a Contact Form


A contact form is a great way to get visitors to your mobile site to contact you or inquire about a service. It will send an e-mail directly to any e-mail you wish, although generally you'll input your own e-mail address.

Add a Contact Form

1. Start in the pages section of the DudaMobile editor. Select the page you'd like the contact form to appear on.

2. From the contact section select Business, then drag the Contact Form widget into the phone shell.

Edit the contact form

The contact form is an extremely versatile tool. Not only can you change its color, design, and title as you can with other tools, you can also add new fields with an immense variety of options, from radial buttons and dropdowns to times, dates, emails, and more.

When you create a contact form, it comes with default fields such as Name, email and message. You can choose to delete or keep these fields.

To see the options to delete or edit a field, hover your mouse over one of the fields and two icons will pop up.

Clicking the pencil icon will allow you to edit the field options such as field type or setting it as required, while clicking the trash icon will simply delete the field.

And to add a new field, click the "Add New Field icon".


You can customize the email recipient, subject, thank you and error message in the email settings tab at the top of the Contact Form edit panel. You'll also have the option there to redirect users to a different page on your site after they've filled out the form.



Contact Form Options





Form Title: The title of your form. You can leave this blank if you don't want the title to display.


*If you hover over a field in the General menu, you'll see more options appear.*


Edit (pencil icon): Edit the options for the field. Clicking this option will reveal additional options for a field, as described below.

Field Type: The type of field that you set for your contact form. The type of fields you can have are:

Text: Set this field as text

Dropdown: Allow the user to select from a list of terms in a dropdown menu

Radio Buttons: Allows the user to select multiple items from a list that you've set

Check Boxes: Allows the user to select multiple items from a list you've set (similar to radio buttons).

Date: Allow the user to choose a date

Time: Allow the user to choose a time

Long Text: Creates a text area in the contact form that's more suited for long messages

Email: Creates an email field that gets validated before the contact form gets sent

Phone Number: Sets the field to validate as a phone number before being sent

Number: Sets the field to be set as a number, no letters allowed

Upload File: Allows the user to upload a file (Maximum of 10 MB)

Required Field: Choose whether or not the user has to choose this option

Delete (trash icon): Delete a field


Add New Field: Add a new field to your contact form.

Email Settings:

Form submissions will be sent to: Choose an email where a form will be submitted to. You can separate email addresses by using a comma (',') with no spaces.

Email Subject: The subject email of the form.

Thank You Message: Show a thank you message after the form is completed and successfully sent out.

Error Message: Show an error message when there is something wrong with the form

Redirect to page after submission: Choose to redirect the user to another page on your mobile site after completing the form





Background: Choose a background color

Background Image: Choose a background image

Border: Choose a border color and set the width of the border

Text Style:

You can alter everything about the font text here, from the alignment to the color.


Shape: The default shape is square, but you can select at least up to 4 different shape layouts for your contact form.

Add shadow effect: Add a shadow effect to the contact form.





Control the Padding and the Margin of the element.


Change the element's CSS.


Displays the page's HTML. Please read the documentation before editing this section.

FAQ's and Troubleshooting

I think I'm not recieving emails, how do I check?

One way to check this is to use the "Form Responses" feature to download a list of recent responses sent using your contact form. Simply go to your live site and send yourself an email using the contact form you want to check. After you've sent out the contact form, open up your editor. Then, in your editor, navigate to the contact form you just used. Click on the contact form, then, instead of clicking edit, click "Form Responses".

My contact form isn't showing any form responses even though I know there is.

There is something wrong with the contact form code. Delete the contact form and recreate it.

This contact form was imported from my desktop site and isn't working.

Our mobile editor can sometimes pull in a working contact form, but sometimes it also won't. To fix this issue, simply delete the non-working contact form and create one using the Duda contact form element.

It sends to my, but not

Your email provider is blocking our email address or flagging it as spam. Contact your email provider and tell them to white-list

In addition, make sure to white list the IP in your email provider's settings.

If you have contacted your email provider and have confirmed that the emails are not being blocked but emails still won't go through, contact our support team by sending an email to





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