This help center supports the Legacy platform Dudamobile. As of April 1st, 2019 new sites cannot be created, existing sites will remain live with the same functionality and editor access.

Email support and phone support (for Duda customers on Team plans and above) will be available until September 30th, 2019. Self service customer support will remain.

It’s a Great Time to Go Responsive! - Responsive design is the best way to create engaging online experiences on today’s web. With that in mind, we encourage you to take this as an opportunity to replace your old desktop-only websites and their mobile friendly counterparts with new responsive sites that will work seamlessly across desktop, tablet and mobile.

Redirect Microsoft Office 365 Site


Office 365 sites can be redirected, but the method is a bit unconventional.

Microsoft Office 365 shies away from allowing custom JavaScript in their sites which is why this method uses a bit of a workaround. In order to incorporate custom JavaScript into a 365 site you have to do it through the PayPal button widget.


Add a PayPal module to the Office 365 site and replace the code between the <form> tags with the redirect script that we provide in the editor under step 4. This should result in something that resembles this:

<form action=""><input type="image" style="display:none;" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">DM_redirect("INSERT_MOBILE_URL_HERE");</script>

Just replace INSERT_MOBILE_URL_HERE with your mobile url (keep the quotation marks). Once that's been placed in your site (ideally near the top of the page) your site should redirect properly.


Note: This redirect method will need to be used on all pages which you want to make mobile friendly.


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