Office 365 sites can be redirected, but the method is a bit unconventional.
Microsoft Office 365 shies away from allowing custom JavaScript in their sites which is why this method uses a bit of a workaround. In order to incorporate custom JavaScript into a 365 site you have to do it through the PayPal button widget.
Add a PayPal module to the Office 365 site and replace the code between the <form> tags with the redirect script that we provide in the editor under step 4. This should result in something that resembles this:
<form action=""><input type="image" style="display:none;" />
<script src="http://static.dudamobile.com/DM_redirect.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">DM_redirect("INSERT_MOBILE_URL_HERE");</script>
Just replace INSERT_MOBILE_URL_HERE with your mobile url (keep the quotation marks). Once that's been placed in your site (ideally near the top of the page) your site should redirect properly.
Note: This redirect method will need to be used on all pages which you want to make mobile friendly.