Duda's template feature allows you to save time and make the task of editing many pages happen much quicker and easier.
Page templates allow you to apply edits you've made to one page of your site to as many other pages as you want. This means that you can delete an image on one page, apply a template, then have that same image be deleted across other pages of your site. Additionally, you can use this to add certain elements to all these pages. Maybe you want to add a contact form to every page of the site, you can do just that with page templates.
- First you'll want to find a page you want to use as the basis of your template. This should be the page that is very repetitive across your site, like a blog post or product page. All the pages that will be assigned to this template should have a similar layout, but have differing text, images, etc.. Once you've found this page, you're ready to start editing.
- Next is to edit the page to your liking. Here are a few things to keep in mind while setting up the page:
- If you can, use custom CSS to style the page (you can find the area to add CSS by click the gear icon -> CSS &HTML -> Page CSS).
- When deleting items, use the expand. Try to delete one large area rather than several smaller ones.
- Try not to edit text directly, this makes sure auto-sync will pull in the correct content for your other pages.
- After you've edited the page and you are happy with the way it looks, proceed to setup the template.
- Click on the SEO & Page Settings button.
- Select the template tab.
- Next select 'Set this page as a new template.'
- Name your template and press "ok". Then click "manage."
- From the manage screen you will be able to set the rules that will tell this template which pages it should apply to. You'll have several options to choose from:
- Contains: This is the most broad. It means that the URL contains this text. It can be a word, a URL, or whatever might show up in the actual URLs from the desktop site.
- Ends with: This is if the page always ends with the same pattern. Such as always having a product.php at the end.
- Starts with: This is the most common one. This means the URL will start with whatever you input, and whatever comes after will be applied to this page.
- Matches exactly: This means you know the exact URL of the page on the desktop site you want to apply to this page design. You can apply as many of these as you want to the template.
- Next click done. You've now applied a page template. Pat yourself on the back, you just saved yourself a bunch of time!