The Padding of an element determines how much space exists between the content of the element and its border.
The Margin of an element determines how much space exists between the border of an element and the next element.
Adjusting Margins
The Margin option has four text boxes, one at the top of the element, one at the bottom of the element, one to the right of the element, and one to the left of the element. By clicking in one of these text boxes and adding a value (any positive or negative rational number), you can change how much space exists between one element and the next.
Adjusting Padding
The Padding option has four text boxes, one at the top of the element, one at the bottom of the element, one to the right of the element, and one to the left of the element. By clicking in one of these text boxes and adding a value (any positive rational number), you can adjust the padding on that side of the element.
What elements can I control the margins / padding on?
You can set the margin and padding for every element, column and row. If you're seeing odd spacing that you can't remove, be sure to check all parts of an element, including;
- The element itself
- The column it's contained in
- The row it's contained in
You can always select the "container" by clicking an element, then clicking "select container".