This help center supports the Legacy platform Dudamobile. As of April 1st, 2019 new sites cannot be created, existing sites will remain live with the same functionality and editor access.

Email support and phone support (for Duda customers on Team plans and above) will be available until September 30th, 2019. Self service customer support will remain.

It’s a Great Time to Go Responsive! - Responsive design is the best way to create engaging online experiences on today’s web. With that in mind, we encourage you to take this as an opportunity to replace your old desktop-only websites and their mobile friendly counterparts with new responsive sites that will work seamlessly across desktop, tablet and mobile.

Troubleshooting a Faulty Redirect


As of April 21, 2015, Google will be altering it's mobile search results pages to rank mobile-friendly websites higher. Duda has found many cases where mobile redirects installed on desktop sites did not fit Google's requirements for approving the site as mobile-friendly. Below you will see a few examples of what Duda has found to be wrong about the redirect install.

Redirect All Pages

Google detects mobile-friendlyness on a page-by-page basis. This means that all pages of your desktop website must redirect to the corresponding mobile page. If redirects are only added to the index or home page, Google will not consider the site mobile-friendly and there will be a negative impact on your search result rankings.  

How to check that all pages are redirecting?

There are two ways to check if your site is redirecting all mobile visitors to the corresponding mobile-friendly pages:

  1. On your phone, type in a few page URLs of your desktop website. For example, you might go directly to the about us page at: Then try it on another page in a similar fashion. You should be redirected to the same page on the mobile website.
  2. Use Google's Mobile-Friendly test, here: Put in a few different page URLs from your desktop site and make sure that Google indicates that they are mobile-friendly.

Redirect to Equivalent Pages

Duda's default redirect will send mobile users to the equivalent page on the mobile site, however some of our users may be using a custom or non-Duda redirect which will send mobile visitors elsewhere. For example the "About" page on your desktop site should redirect to the "About" page on your mobile site.

If your "about" page is redirecting to your "home” page, then this is a problem for Google.

How to check that you are redirecting to equivalent pages?

Visit the internal pages of your desktop site on your phone, and see what happens. If you are redirected to the "contact" page on your mobile site from the "contact" page on your desktop site, then all is well. If you find that you are being redirected to the homepage or some other page, then there is an issue with the method you are using to redirect.

The easiest way to resolve this issue is to use our default redirect script. This script can be found in the last step of the DudaMobile editor. Simply go to the "Go Live" section and select the sub-menu "redirect"

Redirect Quickly

Duda's recommendations are to add our redirect script immediately after the <head> tag opens, however some users will place this script much further down the page. This potentially can cause an issue, because Google may not look down to the 80th line of HTML to determine if you have a mobile site.

In addition, if your redirect script is directly after the <head> tag, but your desktop site loads slowly, Google may miss the redirect script altogether and mark the site as not mobile-friendly.

The only way to check this issue is to look at your site's source code, and check if our script is immediately after the <head> tag. If the redirect is in the code, visit Google’s PageSpeed Insight Test and enter your site. If there is an issue with your site’s speed, this will let you know and tell you the reason why.


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