There are sometimes issues that can happen when setting up your CNAME record. See below for instructions on how to fix them.
- Go to your whatsmydns.net
- Change the search to "CNAME" record
- Enter in the CNAME record you want to check. If you set up a "m" subdomain, enter something like "m.sitename.com". If you set up a "www" subdomain, enter "www.sitename.com".
Note: Replace "sitename.com" with your own domain name
- Green check marks with "mobile.dudamobile.com" or "m.mobilewebsiteserver.com" means that the domain is propagating correctly.
- Red X's in the results means that the domain is not propagating correctly. Please refer to our going live article for more information.
- Green check marks with SOMETHING OTHER than "mobile.dudamobile.com" or "m.mobilewebsiteserver.com" means you're using the wrong destination value. Please refer to our going article live for more information.
- A combinatation of Green and Red means that the domains is still propagating. Please wait 24-48 hours before contacting your web host